This new profile first has “A New Introduction” with includes location, school, work, and a row of photos right up at the top of your profile where you want them, (especially if they’re totally embarrassing and you havn’t had a chance to de-tag them yet.) Next, there’s “Featured Friends”, recalling nightmares of MySpace, this feature isn’t quite so bad as that ol’ beast, highlighting the friends you want and allowing you to create groups of friends at your leisure.
The first of two bigger changes is “New Experiences” which gives you a new way to share you activities and interests. List your favorites just like you used to do before social networking existed! Each of your interests and experiences have their own representative image. One option for this is the ability to create a group of people you’ve gone to or go to school with, tagging the people that go in that group, this feature then displaying updates from only them.
The next bigger addition is in “Improved Photos and Friends Pages,” these additions beginning with an “infinite scroll” feature which allows you to cycle through photos in a way new to Facebook. Your friends page, on the other hand, now allows you to more easily search for friends by name, hometown, school, phone number, and more