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Friday, December 3, 2010

Rock Band Reloaded Announced by EA Games for iPhone and iPad

More than 30 songs are available in this new expansion from artists such as Nirvana, No Doubt, Beastie Boys, Nine Inch Nails, Vampire Weekend (which one doesn’t belong? lols) and a brand new “5th Way to Play” is introduced where you’re able to sing directly into your device using brand spanking new voice recognition features. No more singing to your television looking like a jerk! Now you can sing to your iPad! Hooray! This expansion is called Rock Band Reloaded (and Rock Band Reloaded HD) and is only available for iPhone (and iPad) – it’s got “flexible controls providing ultimate customization for all play styles”! Multiplayer mode where you can play head to head on split screen (an epic feat on an iPhone to be sure) and a new “Big Drums” layout

Another artist on the lineup is Billy Idol. You think all these bands that came out before even computers were widespread had any idea people would be interacting with their music in such a way? What a wild though. Both of these games are sitting in the Apple App store just dying to get out on your iPhone or iPad, all the while your sad iPod Touch cries in a corner. Better get it a new copy of Death Worm or iSamJackson instead.