Yesterday I mentioned that VIA had a new USB 3.0 host controller that was on a card made to go inside a USB 3.0 hub. VIA has announced another new USB 3.0 host controller today and this card is designed to go inside your existing computer using a PCIe slot and it gives you four USB 3.0 ports to connect your new high speed peripherals too. The new host controller is called the VL800.
The card is designed to operating in a PCI Express x1 slot and will work with PCIe 2.0 and 1.0 slots. The tech will work for PC host cards and add-in card applications as well. The VL800 is complaint with xHCI specifications and supports older USB ports so that gear not complying with USB 3.0 can still be plugged into the ports and used.
The controller also supports the Battery Charging Specification to allow for fast charging and the exchange of data with the computer while charging takes place. The new VL800 USB 3.0 host controllers is aimed at desktop and notebook use. The card is also able to be used in the server environment, docking stations, and as add-in cards for notebooks with PCI Card slots.