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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Control Premature Ejaculation


  1. 1
    Go for some regular exercises: A healthy body can undoubtedly function better, so simple thing to adopt is regular exercising that helps in increasing cardiovascular health and improve the blood flow. If you have a healthy physique then it may help you with some mental aspects that might contribute premature ejaculation. This is due to the properties of increasing the self-confidence and self-esteem.
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    Breathe well and full: Any of the body organs require full energy to perform its task and so this goes true in case of reproductive organs! When you breathe in fully and efficiently, the organ gets rejuvenated and nurtured. Breathing techniques such as pranayama is said to help in learning to stop premature ejaculation. After insertion of an organ too, you just try to breathe fully so that the body feels the sensations before you start moving and have friction.
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    Involve your sexual partner with full zeal: Sexual satisfaction is all about the event wherein both of the partners are fully satisfied. In order to learn how to stop premature ejaculation, it is better that you consult your sexual partner. They can help you overcoming this embarrassing problem. whenever you feel that you are coming early, say 'stop' and cease all those sexual activities.
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    Practice meditation to control sexual urges and early coming: Controlling the sexual urges and early coming itself means that you are on the way to learn how to stop premature ejaculation. Deep breathing and meditation exercise helps in increasing the overall control.
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    Try Kegel exercises: In order to learn, how to stop premature ejaculation, you can bank upon Kegel exercises that help in strengthening the pelvic muscles and it is also good for women. These exercises include benefits of tightening the pelvic muscles and making them stronger so that all the activities performed under these muscles (including sexual activities) are great.
  6. 6
    When using the internet ignore any "cures" there is non such thing, you can take viagra and many people say that herbal medicine helps but many are just placebos.

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