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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Audi A0 monocycle

Audi has been making luxury and sports cars for a long time. The latest mode of transport to be unveiled by Audi isn’t a car, it’s an electric unicycle or monocycle in Audi speak. The device is called the A0 and was designed by German and Mexican students. The A0 is sort of like a combination of a unicycle and a Segway. It reminds me of the time when I was young that my cousin did a face plant on the road trying to ride a normal unicycle.

It uses a hubless wheel and is intended to be used along with a car. I guess the idea is that you could park your car and then ride the A0 to your final destination. It looks terribly uncomfortable with its little slightly padded seat. If this looks like a design concept to you, check out the video to see it in action. The A0 is small enough to fold and fit into the trunk of a car.
The bike has integrated day lights and has a sensor to turn on a headlight and brake lights when needed. There are no details offered on how far the A0 can go on a charge, how long it takes to charge, or how fast it can go. There is also no indication on when or if this device will make it to market.