This is not the first group in existence to create its own app directory filled with apps related to their core values and- better yet – literal bits of their code. Just earlier this week we took a look at NVIDIA’s new web-based version of their “Tegra Zone” app directory, it containing applications and news bits directly tied to their newest dual-core mobile processor. Skype’s directory is a bit different in that it’s based on a video chat ecosystem instead of a System on Chip group, but at least a couple of elements remain the same:
The Skype App Directory at the moment has only a handful of apps, the same as NVIDIA’s Tegra Zone. Both directories have a lot of room for growth.
Skype’s directory, like NVIDIA’s, does not allow you to download apps directly, instead directing you to developer’s individual sites.
The big difference between the two and, as another example here, Dropbox’s Apps Site, is that Skype works with a bunch of these apps with their Skype Credits system. Connected directly with PayPal, Skype’s ability to accept payments and distribute credits will almost certainly be a system Skype is able to work with developers to use in their own apps.
Futuristic in its scope, sort of? If you had an idea for an app that would work directly with Skype to make calls only to one pizza place and with their credits system you could simply have a single button to press, pizza’s here! And done! Would you do it? That’s a completely goofy app for example, but you get the idea.