Samsung has just unleashed another teaser video hinting at the imminent US release of the much anticipated Galaxy S II smartphone. The device has been available in various parts of the world since April, and only now approaching a US launch. It is already suspected to make its big US debut during a special Samsung event scheduled for August 29.
The video hints at the imminent US arrival while showing off some features with clever shots of the device in various parts of the world. The video starts off with the Galaxy S II’s large screen and dual-core processor in Europe, its thin profile in Japan, its kick-ass sales all over the world, and ending with the message that soon it’ll be big in America.
The Samsung Galaxy S II sports a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus touchscreen, 1.2GHz dual-core processor with 1GB RAM, 2-megapixel front-facing camera, and 8-megapixel camera capable of 1080p full HD video capture. And, it has an incredibly slim chassis at only 8.49mm thin. For more information, you can chekc out our full review of the European version of the Samsung Galaxy S II.