The Wrap 1200 includes composite and component video inputs; the Wrap 1200VR, meanwhile, has DVI/VGA and USB 2.0 inputs. Each supports independent brightness, contrast, hue and color saturation levels for each eyepiece, along with left and right eye focal adjustment for those who would normally wear prescription glasses.
The big difference between the two is intended use. The Wrap 1200 is positioned as a multimedia set, ideal for viewing video stored on an iPhone, portable DVD player or other source. Meanwhile, the Wrap 1200VR is intended for head-tracking applications on your computer, with an integrated head-tracking sensor (which can be added to the Wrap 1200 for $199.99) and bundled software to make use of it. An optional adapter gives the 1200VR regular composite/component inputs.
All that wearable goodness doesn’t come cheap, however. The Vuzix Wrap 1200 comes in at $499.99, while the Wrap 1200VR – which is also expected to go on sale sometime this month – is yet to be priced but we imagine it will be more expensive again.